We help adults become strong and healthy again to live better and longer lives.
The Problem
The fitness world has convinced everyone that there are only five ways to train once you’re an adult: you can train like a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, a cross-fitter, a distance runner, or a couch potato.
None of those sound too appealing to us when balancing what we enjoy and what’s going to keep us healthy.
Training like a gym bro doesn’t maximize your function and keep you moving at your highest level possible.
Training like a powerlifter or cross-fitter often leads to those nagging injuries getting worse and worse.
The good news is, we’ve designed an entire system to keep you athletic and healthy for life.
Oh, and it’s run by doctors of physical therapy, so you can be confident you’re going to get in shape and stay healthy.
Our Solution
Detailed Evaluation
In-depth analysis of your fitness strengths and weaknesses, biomechanics assessment, and goal mapping strategy session using the latest technology available.
Custom Programming
Your program is built for you and you alone based on your unique history, goals, biomechanics, and schedule.
Complete Health Development
Training, nutrition, rehab, sleep, and stress combine to make up your health. We help you get better from all angles. We don’t just forget about you when you leave the building, we’re making sure you’re taken care of every single day.
Expert Coaching by Doctors of PT
Nobody’s more qualified to deal with your nagging injuries and get you back to health than us. Your doctor will take control of your fitness training, rehab, and injury prevention.
Direct Relationships
The biggest difference between us and everyone else is that we care more. You aren’t just a number. When you’re a GT athlete, we’re fully invested in you, not just in the gym. If you have questions outside of training, we’re here for you.
Flexible Scheduling
We know that life is crazy and you’re busy. Our scheduling system allows you to fit your training sessions in around your crazy schedule.
The Process
Who are we for (and not for)?
We won’t lie to you, we aren’t a good fit for everyone.
We aim to be the best in the world at serving the people that we’re best suited to serve. In order to best serve those people, that means we’re not the best option for other people.
So let’s start by saying who we’re not a good fit for: people who want to be bodybuilders or powerlifters and people who are looking for quick fixes and magic pills.
We are a GREAT fit for people who like to work really hard and have a lot of fun doing it.
We are a great fit for people who want to be surrounded by a coaching staff and other athletes with an optimistic and high achieving mindset.
We are a great fit for people who want to show up consistently, week after week, and have a good time training.
If that’s you, click the button below and we’ll talk about how we can help!